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Preservation of Monuments

Posted by monumentenzorg on November 24, 2017
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The Curaçao government established a monuments policy in 1990 after a significant part of the historic city had fallen into disrepair during the previous decades. Approximately 800 building from the 17th to the 20th century – about half of the buildings in Willemstad – have been designated as a protected monument since 1993. Outside the city about 50 buildings are now on the list of protected monuments. A grant scheme was set up as well, making the restoration possible of some 300 monuments during the last 25 years. There are also many monuments that have been restored without subsidy.

In 1995, the city of Willemstad also received the status of conservation area based on the Island Development Plan (EOP). Not only the buildings, but also the urban structure and appearance of the city were protected by implementing the EOP. Special provisions are set, which new buildings must meet in order to not disturb the character of the town. Demolishing non-monuments in the city now also requires a demolition permit.


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